Explore Medan To Lake Toba To Joy The Panorama of Nature

If you really want to take a vacation by forgetting for a moment the problem of work in the office, then the natural tourism of Lake Toba provides an unforgettable sensation. There you will find a panorama of natural beauty such as a lake, an island in the middle of a lake and also a beautiful hillside slope. Just for information, that the area of Lake Toba alone reaches 2 times the size of Singapore. How can you feel the sensation right? The location is at the top of a giant volcano that has been active in the range of 75,000 tofu which then becomes a beautiful natural panorama. Not to mention, there are rows of mountain mountains around it, as well as clouds of wine that adorn it. Making Lake Toba more amazing. Samosir island At Lake Toba, visitors not only see a panoramic view of amazing natural beauty but you will also find a friendly and friendly Toba community. The traditional tradition of Toba Batak residents will make you fall in love, you can explore or ...